The insurance market is undergoing fundamental changes and extensive renovation. Our interconnected planet, with its increasingly mobile population, requires different protection models for different stages in life. Mobility technology, diversified lifestyle phases and the increased adoption of digital tools and devices requires different models of B2B and B2C interactions. Blockchain, AI and supervised and unsupervised learning are features that the disruptive technology generation, in the form of startups, are bringing to the market. Disruptive technology and applications can help to improve customer expertise, processing from marketing, distribution to underwriting and claim settlement.
KKA I Gde Eka Sarmaja, FSAI established in December 2018 by I Gde Eka Sarmaja, FSAI as Kantor Konsultan Aktuaria (Perorangan) after received license from Ministry of Finance – Izin Kantor Konsultan Aktuaria No. 4.18.0003 based on Ministry of Finance decree No. 745/KM.1/2018 date 3 December 2018. KKA GD starts to serving clients in January 2019. KKA GD establishes with vision to be a trusted partner for our clients’ success. We prioritize quality and professionalism in providing our services. Our team is build with strong and insightful profesionals who have worked in specific industries (Life Insurance, Pension and Consulting) with more than 10 years experience. We provide services in employee benefit consulting and insurance consulting. As per June 2020, KKA I Gde Eka Sarmaja, FSAI has transformed to KKA I Gde Eka Sarmaja, FSAI dan Rekan after we received license from Ministry of Finance – Izin Kantor Konsultan Aktuaria No. 5.20.0002 based on Ministry of Finance decree No. 231/KM.1/2020.
Pasar asuransi mengalami perubahan mendasar dan renovasi besar-besaran. Planet kita yang saling terhubung, dengan populasi yang semakin besar, membutuhkan model perlindungan yang berbeda untuk berbagai tahap dalam kehidupan. Teknologi mobilitas, fase gaya hidup yang beragam dan peningkatan pemakaian alat dan perangkat digital memerlukan model interaksi B2B dan B2C yang berbeda. Blockchain, AI dan pembelajaran yang diawasi dan tidak diawasi adalah fitur yang dihasilkan oleh generasi teknologi yang mengganggu, dalam bentuk pemula, yang dibawa ke pasar. Teknologi dan aplikasi yang mengganggu dapat membantu meningkatkan keahlian pelanggan, memproses dari pemasaran, distribusi hingga penjaminan dan penyelesaian klaim.
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